Български курс по бифуркации и комплексни коронарни интервенции, 23-24 януари 2015


Уважаеми колеги,
От името на Организационния комитет имаме удоволствието да ви поканим на Български курс по бифуркации и комплексни коронарни интервенции, който ще се състои на 23 – 24 януари 2015 г. в София.
Третото издание на Български бифуркационен курс, който се проведе през 2014 г. бе фокусирано върху училището за специализанти на основата на случаите на живо. Програмата обхващаше целия спектър на интервенционалното лечение, а именно техническите тънкости при бифуркациите, хроничните оклузии, ЛКА, коронарна физиология и много други.
След три успешни събития сме планирали още по-интересна програма за предстоящия през 2015 г. Български курс по бифуркации и комплексни коронарни интервенции. Четвъртото издание ще се отличава със следното: първият ден ще бъде посветен на патофизиологията и стратегиите на лечение чрез бифуркационни перкутанни коронарни интервенции. За втория ден сме предвидили цялостен преглед на мултисъдовите перкутанни коронарни интервенции, включително ротаблационни техники, новите DES и DEB технологии.
Програмата ще бъде изградена върху дискусии на случаите на живо, тъй като нашият стремеж е да направим курса максимално практичен.
Освен, че курсът ще даде цялостна представа за бъдещето на комплексните интервенции, ще предостави чудесна възможност да се срещнете с доказани български и чуждестранни специалисти.
Курсът ще се проведе на английски.
Тъй като броят на местата е ограничен, побързайте да се регистрирате!
Ще ви очакваме!

С уважение,
Yves Louvard MD – Почетен директор на курса
Robert J. Gil MD, PhD – Международен директор на курса
Добрин Василев MD, PhD – Директор на курса
Васил Велчев MD, PhD – Директор на курса
Валери Гелев MD, PhD – Директор на курса

Изтеглете формата за регистрация



Dear colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee we are honored to invite you to the Bulgarian Bifurcation and Complex Coronary Interventions Course, which is going to be held on 23-24 January 2015 in Tokuda Hospital Sofia.
After three successful meetings the next one, even more interesting is coming. The forth edition will have the following features: the first day will be dedicated to pathophysiology and treatment strategies of coronary bifurcation PCIs. On next day a complete overview of complex multivessel PCI will be made, covering rotablation techniques, news DES and DEB technologies. The course will be based on live cases discussions, making it most practical as possible.
The Course will be held in English.
There are only limited 100 seats for the Course. Register fast to avoid disappointment.
We shall be delighted to welcome you to Sofia in January.

Sincerely yours,
Yves Louvard MD – Honorable Course Director
Robert J. Gil MD, PhD – International Course Director
Dobrin Vassilev MD, PhD – Course Co-Director
Vassil Velchev MD, PhD – Course Co-Director
Valery Gelev MD, PhD – Course Co-Director

Download Registration form


Bulgarian Bifurcation and Complex Coronary Interventions Course

23-24 January 2015

Tokuda Hospital, Sofia


Friday, 23 January 2015

8:00 – 8:30 Registration

8:30 – 9:00 Opening ceremony

Opening from International Directors of BBCCIC

Y. Louvard

R. Gil

Opening from National Director of BBCCIC

D. Vassilev

V. Velchev

V. Gelev

9:00 – 11:00 Morning session

/with the educational grant by Actavis/

Moderators: Y. Louvard, R. Gil

Panelists: I. Iakovou, G. Rigatelli, V. Gelev, P. Gatzov, I. Sheiban

9:00 – 9:20 New EBC statement – what new?

Y. Louvard

9:20 – 9:40 Should we have to do KBI – lessons from trials

I. Sheiban

9:40 – 10:00 What IVUS and OCT could give for bifurcation PCI?

I. Iakovou

10:00 – 10:20 What we have learnt from bench tests?

F. Nagy

10:20 – 10:40 Drug eluting balloons in bifurcation PCI

G. Rigatelli

10:40 – 11:00 BVS as a potential device for bifurcation

R. Gil

11:00 – 11:20 The collaboration between cardiology and cardiac surgery in complex coronary intervention

L. Samuels

11:20 – 11:40 Coffee-break

11:40 – 13:00 Live case session I

Moderators: G. Rigatelli, I. Sheiban

Panelists: M. Ferenc, V. Gelev, M. Konteva


Case 1: I. Iakovou, V. Velchev, I. Zheleva

Case 2: R. Gil, D. Vassilev, O. Radev

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 14:30 Symposium of Silver Sponsor – Abbott Vascular & Medimag MS

How should I treat coronary bifurcations with BVS?


V. Gelev

Case 1

O. Radev


Case 2

K. Karamfiloff


Take-home messages

D. Vassilev

14:30 – 17:10 Afternoon session

Moderators: M. Ferenc, D. Vassilev

Panelists: V. Velchev, I. Martinov, D. Hazarbassanov, G. Tonev, D. Trendafilova

14:30 – 14:50 Are there still a role of FFR in bifurcation PCI?

G. Heyndrickx

14:50 – 15:10 FFR in LM and tandem stenosis. How to base treatment decision on numbers?

I. Iakovou

15:10 – 15:30 What is the best 2 stent technique for bifurcation lesions?

Crush & Culottes

I. Sheiban

15:30 – 15:50 What is the best 2 stent technique for bifurcation lesions?

T-stenting and TAP

M. Ferenc

15:50 – 16:10 When we should do double stenting in coronary bifurcation PCI – SL

V. Gelev

16:10 – 16:30 How to overcome difficult situations during bifurcation PCI?

Y. Louvard

16:30 – 16:50 Dedicated bifurcation stents overview

R. Gil

16:50 – 17:10 Presentation sponsored by Vega Medical – official partner of Biosensors in Bulgaria

Can we use dedicated bifurcation stent in ACS? Just AXXESS it!

F. Fouladvand

17:10 – 17:30 Chocolate coffee-break

17:30 – 18:00 Symposium of Silver Sponsor – Biotronik

Proven and leading drug eluting technologies for complex lesions

by Biotronik

B. Beleslin, Cardiology Clinic, Clinical Center Serbia, Belgrade

V. Stoyanov

18:00 – 19:20 Live case session II

Moderators: Y. Louvard, R. Gil

Panelists: V. Velchev, F. Fouladvand, G. Heyndrickx


Case 3: M. Ferenc, V. Gelev

Case 4: I. Sheiban, D. Vassilev, I. Zheleva

Saturday, 24 January 2015

8:30 – 9:50 Restenosis after PCI – EBM and treatment algorithm

/with the educational grant by Astra Zeneca/

Moderators: V. Gelev, F. Nagy

Panelists: M. Ferenc, Y. Louvard, O. Radev, V. Velchev

8:30 – 8:50 Restenosis mechanisms

I. Martinov

8:50 – 9:10 ISR post DES – treatment options

D. Trendafilova

9:10 – 9:30 Re-restenosis after DEB

R. Gil

9:30 – 9:50 Restenosis – how to treat in 2015?

I. Sheiban

9:50 – 10:20 Apple coffee-break

10:20 – 10:50 Silver Sponsor’s presentation and discussion – Medtronic

Bifurcations and transradial approach

  J. Kostov, University Cardiology Clinic, Skopje, Macedonia

10:50 – 12:00 Case – restenosis after DES

Moderators: G. Heyndrickx, F. Nagy

Panelists: M. Konteva, N. Rifai, K. Karamfiloff


Case 5: Y. Louvard, V. Gelev

Case 6: G. Rigatelli, O. Radev

12:00 – 13:00 Gold Sponsor’s symposium – Balton

Our approach to optimal treatment of complex coronary stenoses

Chairpersons: R. Gil, D. Vassilev

Panelists: V. Gelev, V. Velchev

Welcome and objectives

R. Gil, D. Vassilev

ALEX stent: thin struts and bioresorbable polymer as best solution for healing promotion and outcome improvement. 

BiOSS stent: from stainless steel to cromium-cobalt alloy.  Lessons from registries and randomized studies. 

Presentation of interesting clinical cases

Closing remarks

R. Gil

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 -15:00 Complete revascularization – reality or dream

The Rational behind the complete revascularization and the role of residual Syntax score to assess it

Functional revascularization (opposed to anatomical) in multivessel patient

Moderators: D. Trendafilova, K. Karamfiloff

Panelists: G. Heyndrickx, Y. Louvard, G. Tonev

14:00 – 14:20 FFR in multivessel disease- my way and tips and tricks

for the FFR-naive interventionalist

G. Heyndrickx

14:20 – 14:40 How much vital myocardium is needed to justify CTO recanalisation? Quantitive assessment from PET, SPECT, MRI, Stress echo

Y. Louvard

14:40 – 15:00 FFR in bifurcation PCI – is it alive?

D. Vassilev

15:00 -16:00 Live-case – multivessel patient – functional assessment?

Moderator: G. Heyndrickx, K. Karamfiloff

Panelists: M. Ferenc, O. Radev, I. Zheleva


Case 7: R. Gil, V. Stoyanov

Case 8: Y. Louvard, V. Gelev

16:00 – 16:20 Coffee-break

16:20 – 16:50 Symposium of Silver Sponsor – Meril

Kaleidoscope of Novel Interventional Technologies

Co-chair and moderator: J. Jorgova

Expert panel: D. Vassilev, D. Hazarbassanov

16:20 – 16:28 Science behind BioMime and meriT clinical update & meriT V

H. Mateev

16:28 – 16:36 BioMime Bulgarian experience and clinical data

G. Mazhdakov

16:36 – 16:44 Novel technologies from Meril – BRS, TAVR and beyond ….

D. Vassilev

16:44 – 16:50 Panel Discussion

16:50 – 18:10 Lesion preparation before stenting

Moderator: V. Velchev

Panelists: G. Rigatelli, F. Nagy, M. Konteva, I. Martinov

16:50 – 17:10 Intracoronary imaging IVUS vs. OCT?

М. Konteva, M. Marzyanov

17:10 – 17:30 Rota – When and how? Tips and tricks

G. Heyndrickx

17:30 – 17:50 Pre- and post dilatation. Rules for rational balloon selection

G. Rigatelli

17:50 – 18:10 Criteria for optimal/acceptable final result from angio, stent boost, IVUS, OCT

F. Nagy



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