Top to toe transcatheter solutions 15-17 Feb

The conference will highlight the latest advances in Cardiovascular and Endovascular Medicine. It involves a multidisciplinary approach to a large variety of Endovascular cases from Intracranial intervention to Carotid/Aorta down to below the Knee/Leg Salvage intervention, as well as a wide range of cases of Coronary, Valvular and structural heart intervention. Also there will be special symposium on Metabolic syndrome, New oral anti coagulation, latest in Electrophysiology and more.
In line with this, we invite Bulgarian Society of Interventional Cardiology to support the conference and be one of the Society Endorsers as we believe this would greatly benefit the members in participating in our substantial scientific event. Special discounts will be offered to Bulgarian society members.
За повече информация – д-р Валери Гелев