Български бифуркационен курс 2014 / Bulgarian Bifurcation Course 2014

Уважаеми колеги,
От името на Организационния комитет имаме удоволствието да ви поканим на Български бифуркационен курс, който ще се състои на 17 и 18 януари 2014 г. в София.
Вторият български бифуркационен курс, който се проведе през януари 2013 г., ни даде възможност да разгледаме най-актуалните технически нововъведения, които усъвършенстват всекидневната интервенционална практика. Проведохме практически занятия със специално изработени бифуркационни модели в реален размер, под ръководството на опитни специалисти в интервенционалното лечение на бифуркационните стенози. Курсът не би имал тази висока научна и практическа стойност без усилията и ентусиазма на изтъкнати лектори от страната и чужбина.
В резултат на високия интерес и успеха на събитието, решихме Българският бифуркационен курс да се превърне в ежегоден.
Целта на бифуркационния курс през 2014 г. е да организира училище за специализанти по интервенционална кардиология, на основата на случаи на живо. Нашата идея е да разширим програмата на курса – тя ще обхване техническите тънкости при бифуркациите, хроничните оклузии, ЛКА, коронарна физиология и много други. Също така ще акцентираме върху най-новите съвременни технологии, които ще променят нашата концепция и подхода към пациентите. Водещи експерти от България и чужбина ще представят новите разработки в сферата и тяхната роля при диагностиката, терапията и качеството на живот на пациентите. Очакваме, че курсът ще осигури задълбочен преглед на това как лечението на бифуркациите се практикува по света.
Освен, че курсът ще даде цялостна представа за бъдещето на комплексните интервенции, ще предостави чудесна възможност да се срещнете със своите чуждестранни колеги.
Курсът ще се проведе на английски.
Тъй като броят на местата е ограничен, побързайте да се регистрирате! Ще ви очакваме!
С уважение,
Yves Louvard MD – Почетен директор на курса
Robert J. Gil MD, PhD – Международен директор на курса
Добрин Василев MD, PhD – Директор на курса
Васил Велчев MD, PhD – Директор на курса
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Dear colleagues,
It is a privilege for us to invite you to Sofia for the Bulgarian Bifurcation Course which will be held on 17and 18 January 2014.
The second Bulgarian Bifurcation Course held in January 2013 was an opportunity for us to discuss the latest technical innovations improving the everyday interventional practice and to hold hands-on training with in-depth review of the subject. The Course would not be possible without the efforts and the dedication of the eminent speakers from Bulgaria and abroad. Following the success of the second Bulgarian Bifurcation Course it was agreed that we should turn the Bulgarian Bifurcation Course into a tradition.
Our ambition on BBC 2014 is to hold an Interventional Fellows Teaching Course emphasizing on the case-based education. The next year we will widen the program – it will feature technical tips and tricks in bifurcations, CTOs, left main, coronary physiology and much more! We shall also discuss the current advances in modern technologies that will change our concepts and attitudes towards our patients. During our event, opinion leaders from Bulgaria and abroad will share with us the newest innovations in the field and their impact on diagnoses, treatment and quality of life of our patients. We expect from the course that you will gain a greater understanding of how the bifurcation treatment practices in different corners of the world.
This Bifurcation Course will give you new energy and insight to the future of complex interventions. It will also be a perfect opportunity to meet with your international colleagues.
The Course will be held in English.
There are only limited 100 seats for the Course. Register fast to avoid disappointment.
We shall be delighted to welcome you to Sofia in January.
Sincerely yours,
Yves Louvard MD – Honorable Course Director
Robert J. Gil MD, PhD – International Course Director
Dobrin Vassilev MD, PhD – Course Co-Director
Vassil Velchev MD, PhD – Course Co-Director
Download Registration Form here
Download Preliminary program here
Bulgarian Bifurcation Club
Interventional Fellows Teaching Course
17–19 January 2014
Friday, 17 January 2014
12:00 – 13:00 Registration
13:00 – 13:30 Course opening
Europe 3 Hall Opening from International Director of BBC
Y. Louvard
Opening from National Director of BBC and President of Bulgarian Society of Interventional Cardiology
D. Vassilev
D. Trendafilova
Course objectives
V. Velchev
Session 1: Chronic total occlusions
13:30 – 18:40 CTO session
Europe 3 Hall Moderators: V.Gelev, D.Hasarbasanov, I.Ungi, I.Petrov, G.Tonev
13:30 – 13:50 Chronic Total Occlusions – definitions, epidemiology and rationales for CTO recanalization
D. Hasarbasanov
13:50 – 14:10 Toolkit for CTO recanalization
V. Gelev
14:10 – 14:25 The Modern spectrum of CTO guidewires – ASAHI paid lecture
M. Groosman
14:25 – 14:45 CTO guide wires
I. Sheiban
14:45 – 15:05 Basic techniques for Antegrade approach
Y. Louvard
15:05 – 17:45 Live-cases / recorded live-cases
Europe 3 Hall
17:45 – 18:00 Coffee-break
18:00 – 18:30 Symposium of Biotronik – Silver sponsor
Europe 3 Hall „How should I treat…“
V. Gelev, Tokuda Hospital, Sofia
R. Babic, Institute for Cardio Vascular Diseases „Dedinje“, Belgrade
B. Beleslin, Cardiology Clinic, Clinical Center Serbia, Belgrade
18:30 – 18:50 Fundamentals of Retrograde CTO recanalization – basic concepts, indications, different strategies and step by step approach
I. Ungi
18:50 – 19:10 Complications of CTO recanalization and their management
F. Fuladvand
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Session 2: PCI after CABG, Bifurcation and distal left main, Coronary physiology sessions
8:00 – 11:30 PCI for patients after CABG
Europe 3 Hall Moderators: V.Velchev, G. Heyndrickx, R.Gil, D.Trendafilova
8:00 – 8:20 PCI of patients after CABG – strategic planning; when to reoperate? R.Gil
8:20 – 8:40 PCI of SVG. When and how to protect?
8:40 – 9:00 PCI of arterial grafts
I. Sheiban
9:00 – 10:00 Live- case transmission
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee-break
10:30 – 10:50 FFR before CABG – functional or anatomical revascularization – cardiosurgeon perspective
P. Panayotov
10:50 – 11:10 FFR before CABG – functional or anatomical revascularization – interventional cardiologist prespective
G. Heyndrickx
11:10 – 11:30 ACS in patients after CABG
I. Petrov
11:30 – 12:30 Symposium of Balton – Gold sponsor
Europe 3 Hall Moderators: D.Vassilev, R. Gil, V.Velchev
The news in BiOSS program
Presenters: H. Mateev, R. Gil
12:30 – 13:05 Symposium of Meril – Silver sponsor
Europe 3 Hall 12:30 – 12:37 Novel DES Engineering Concepts – BioMime & MeriT clinical update
I. Petrov
12:37– 12:44 BioMime Clinical experience from Bulgaria
G. Mazhdrakov
12:44 – 12:51 Biomime in complex CTO and Multivessel Disease
D. Vassilev
12:51 – 12:58 Novel Technologies – BRS, TAVR and beyond
V. Velchev
12:58 – 13:05 Panel Discussion
13:05 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Bifurcation and left main session supported by educational grant of Astra Zeneca
Europe 3 Hall Moderators: G.Stankovich, Y.Louvard, I.Iakovou, D.Vassilev
14:00 – 14:20 What we have learnt during last year about coronary bifurcation treatment?
14:20 – 14:40 What is more important – FFR or ischemia?
14:40 – 15:00 When and how to treat left main bifurcation stenosis?
G. Rigatelli
15:00 – 15:20 Does the prime time for dedicated bifurcation stents come?
15:20 – 15:40 How we should treat coronary bifurcation lesions – European bifurcation club position
15:40 – 16:00 New P2Y blockers for high risk anatomy
16:00 – 17:00 Live-case transmission
Europe 3 Hall
17:00 – 17:30 Coffee-break
17:30 – 18:50 Coronary physiology
Europe 3 Hall Moderators: R.Gil, G.Heyndrickx, I.Sheiban, Pl.Gatzov
17:30 – 17:50 What to use for obtaining maximal hyperemia – pharmacy, dosages, application roads, side effects
G. Heyndrickx
17:50 – 18:10 FFR, CFR, iFR – when and how?
R. Gil
18:10 – 18:30 FFR and CFR at difficult situations – left main, bifurcations, long stenosis, myocardial bridging
I. Sheiban
18:30 – 18:50 FFR, CFR and IVUS – what the guidelines say?
Pl. Gatzov
18:50 – 19:50 Live-case transmission
Europe 3 Hall
Sunday, 19 January 2014
9:30 – 11:50 ACS session – supported by SFL BG
Europe 3 Hall Moderators: J.Jorgova, D.Trendafilova, S.Georgiev, I.Manoukov
9:30 – 9:50 Thrombus aspiration – when and how?
I. Iakovou
9:50 – 10:10 Against the main stream: delayed stenting during acute STEMI – new trend or healthy mind/
10:10 – 10:30 Myocardial preconditioning – myths and reality
S. Kralev
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee-break
11:00 – 11:20 Which stent for primary angioplasty: DES vs. BMS vs. SelfES vs. Mgard vs BVS
I. Petrov
11:20 – 11:30 Applied pharmacology for primary PCI – pretreatment, new antiaggregants, IIB/IIIA and all that jazz
I. Martinov
11:30 – 11:50 Bifurcation stenting during primary PCI. Make it simple but…
Y. Louvard